You are a Writer!
You are a writer. I used to think that I needed a published book in order to be considered a writer or author. I have learned through my author journey that the moment you are taking ideas from your brain and transferring them to paper or the computer, you are...
Did you know soccer and writing have something BIG in common?
Soccer is such a fun game to play—you get to kick things, wear cool uniforms, and the best part, snacks! Nothing tastes better after you’ve been sweating for an hour than an awesome snack. But what exactly does writing have in common with soccer? Is it the snacks?? As...
What’s your story?
Pop! Sparks leap off the log. A blue flame winds and flickers. Searching, twisting, whistling into the night. Rhythmic voices echo as shadows dance past lines and symbols. Painted hands, big and small, tell of generations. It all started with a word. Stories have been...